"Activating Partnerships To Empower Native Communities"
Activating Partnerships to Empower Native Communities
Cook Native American Ministries Foundation invites you to join in an exciting opportunity as we work together to create a permanent fund that will serve American Indian/Alaska Native churches and communities!
For more than 100 years, CNAMF has been a leader; first, in providing educational instruction for Native people studying Theology or undergoing religious training, and now, as a foundation, dedicated to working with grassroots Native organizations as they embrace opportunities to help their communities prosper.
Inspired by the vision of CNAMF founder Reverend Charles H. Cook, your contribution to this fund will establish the Charles H. Cook Legacy Fund, a permanent fund that will allow CNAMF to support, in perpetuity, projects in Native communities aimed at self-development and self-sufficiency.
We invite you join this important cause as we continue Charles H. Cook’s vision to help Native communities. CNAMF’s mission is to equip Native leaders to better serve their churches and communities, so join us as we watch the fund grow and mark milestones.
Thank You

Legacy Campaign's top donors:(l-r) Theresa Price, Barbara Walker, Sandra Pattea

Contact Us
1208 East Broadway Rd. Suite 218 Tempe, AZ 85282 info@cooknam.org | Tel: 480-968-9354